6  Proportional Hazards Models


Last modified: 2024-05-02: 18:10:45 (PM)

Configuring R

Functions from these packages will be used throughout this document:

Show R code
library(conflicted) # check for conflicting function definitions
# library(printr) # inserts help-file output into markdown output
library(rmarkdown) # Convert R Markdown documents into a variety of formats.
library(pander) # format tables for markdown
library(ggplot2) # graphics
library(ggeasy) # help with graphics
library(ggfortify) # help with graphics
library(dplyr) # manipulate data
library(tibble) # `tibble`s extend `data.frame`s
library(magrittr) # `%>%` and other additional piping tools
library(haven) # import Stata files
library(knitr) # format R output for markdown
library(tidyr) # Tools to help to create tidy data
library(plotly) # interactive graphics
library(dobson) # datasets from Dobson and Barnett 2018
library(parameters) # format model output tables for markdown
library(haven) # import Stata files
library(latex2exp) # use LaTeX in R code (for figures and tables)
library(fs) # filesystem path manipulations
library(survival) # survival analysis
library(survminer) # survival analysis graphics
library(KMsurv) # datasets from Klein and Moeschberger
library(parameters) # format model output tables for
library(webshot2) # convert interactive content to static for pdf
library(forcats) # functions for categorical variables ("factors")
library(stringr) # functions for dealing with strings
library(lubridate) # functions for dealing with dates and times

Here are some R settings I use in this document:

Show R code
rm(list = ls()) # delete any data that's already loaded into R

  ggplot2::theme_bw() + 
        # ggplot2::labs(col = "") +
      legend.position = "bottom",
      text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 12, family = "serif")))

knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = FALSE)
options('digits' = 4)

panderOptions("big.mark", ",")
pander::panderOptions("table.emphasize.rownames", FALSE)
pander::panderOptions("table.split.table", Inf)
conflicts_prefer(dplyr::filter) # use the `filter()` function from dplyr() by default
legend_text_size = 9

6.1 The proportional hazards model

6.1.1 Background on the Proportional Hazards Model

The exponential distribution has constant hazard:

\[ \begin{aligned} f(t) &= \lambda e^{-\lambda t}\\ S(t) &= e^{-\lambda t}\\ h(t) &= \lambda \end{aligned} \]

Let’s make two generalizations. First, we let the hazard depend on some covariates \(x_1,x_2, \dots, x_p\); we will indicate this dependence by extending our notation for hazard:

\[h(t|\boldsymbol x) \stackrel{\text{def}}{=}p(T=t|T\ge t, \boldsymbol X = \boldsymbol x)\]

Second, we let the base hazard depend on \(t\), but not on the covariates (for now). We can do this using either parametric or semi-parametric approaches.

6.1.2 Cox’s Proportional Hazards Model

The generalization is that the hazard function is

\[ \begin{aligned} h(t|x)&= h_0(t)\theta(x)\\ \theta(x) &= \text{exp}\left\{\eta(x)\right\}\\ \eta(x) &= x'\beta\\ &\stackrel{\text{def}}{=}\beta_1x_1+\cdots+\beta_px_p \end{aligned} \]

The relationship between \(h(t|x)\) and \(\eta(x)\) has a log link (that is, \(\text{log}\left\{h(t|x)\right\} = \text{log}\left\{h_0(t)\right\} + \eta(x)\)), as in a generalized linear model.

This model is semi-parametric, because the linear predictor depends on estimated parameters but the base hazard function is unspecified. There is no constant term in \(\eta(x)\), because it is absorbed in the base hazard.

Alternatively, we could define \(\beta_0(t) = \text{log}\left\{h_0(t)\right\}\), and then \(\eta(x,t) = \beta_0(t) + \beta_1x_1+\cdots+\beta_px_p\).

For two different individuals with covariate patterns \(\boldsymbol x_1\) and \(\boldsymbol x_2\), the ratio of the hazard functions (a.k.a. hazard ratio, a.k.a. relative hazard) is:

\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{h(t|\boldsymbol x_1)}{h(t|\boldsymbol x_2)} &=\frac{h_0(t)\theta(\boldsymbol x_1)}{h_0(t)\theta(\boldsymbol x_2)}\\ &=\frac{\theta(\boldsymbol x_1)}{\theta(\boldsymbol x_2)}\\ \end{aligned} \]

Under the proportional hazards model, this ratio (a.k.a. proportion) does not depend on \(t\). This property is a structural limitation of the model; it is called the proportional hazards assumption.

Definition 6.1 (proportional hazards) A conditional probability distribution \(p(T|X)\) has proportional hazards if the hazard ratio \(h(t|\boldsymbol x_1)/h(t|\boldsymbol x_2)\) does not depend on \(t\). Mathematically, it can be written as:

\[ \frac{h(t|\boldsymbol x_1)}{h(t|\boldsymbol x_2)} = \theta(\boldsymbol x_1,\boldsymbol x_2) \]

As we saw above, Cox’s proportional hazards model has this property, with \(\theta(\boldsymbol x_1,\boldsymbol x_2) = \frac{\theta(\boldsymbol x_1)}{\theta(\boldsymbol x_2)}\).


We are using two similar notations, \(\theta(\boldsymbol x_1,\boldsymbol x_2)\) and \(\theta(\boldsymbol x)\). We can link these notations if we define \(\theta(\boldsymbol x) \stackrel{\text{def}}{=}\theta(\boldsymbol x, \boldsymbol 0)\) and \(\theta(\boldsymbol 0) = 1\).

It also has additional notable properties:

\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{h(t|\boldsymbol x_1)}{h(t|\boldsymbol x_2)} &=\frac{\theta(\boldsymbol x_1)}{\theta(\boldsymbol x_2)}\\ &=\frac{\text{exp}\left\{\eta(\boldsymbol x_1)\right\}}{\text{exp}\left\{\eta(\boldsymbol x_2)\right\}}\\ &=\text{exp}\left\{\eta(\boldsymbol x_1)-\eta(\boldsymbol x_2)\right\}\\ &=\text{exp}\left\{\boldsymbol x_1'\beta-\boldsymbol x_2'\beta\right\}\\ &=\text{exp}\left\{(\boldsymbol x_1 - \boldsymbol x_2)'\beta\right\}\\ \end{aligned} \]

Hence on the log scale, we have:

\[ \begin{aligned} \text{log}\left\{\frac{h(t|\boldsymbol x_1)}{h(t|\boldsymbol x_2)}\right\} &=\eta(\boldsymbol x_1)-\eta(\boldsymbol x_2)\\ &= \boldsymbol x_1'\beta-\boldsymbol x_2'\beta\\ &= (\boldsymbol x_1 - \boldsymbol x_2)'\beta \end{aligned} \]

If only one covariate \(x_j\) is changing, then:

\[ \begin{aligned} \text{log}\left\{\frac{h(t|\boldsymbol x_1)}{h(t|\boldsymbol x_2)}\right\} &= (x_{1j} - x_{2j}) \cdot \beta_j\\ &\propto (x_{1j} - x_{2j}) \end{aligned} \]

That is, under Cox’s model \(h(t|\boldsymbol x) = h_0(t)\text{exp}\left\{\boldsymbol x'\beta\right\}\), the log of the hazard ratio is proportional to the difference in \(x_j\), with the proportionality coefficient equal to \(\beta_j\).


\[ \begin{aligned} \text{log}\left\{h(t|\boldsymbol x)\right\} &=\text{log}\left\{h_0(t)\right\} + x'\beta \end{aligned} \]

That is, the covariate effects are additive on the log-hazard scale.

See also:


6.1.3 Additional properties of the proportional hazards model

If \(h(t|x)= h_0(t)\theta(x)\), then:

Cumulative hazards are also proportional to \(H_0(t)\)

\[ \begin{aligned} H(t|x) &\stackrel{\text{def}}{=}\int_{u=0}^t h(u)du\\ &= \int_{u=0}^t h_0(u)\theta(x)du\\ &= \theta(x)\int_{u=0}^t h_0(u)du\\ &= \theta(x)H_0(t) \end{aligned} \]

where \(H_0(t) \stackrel{\text{def}}{=}H(t|0) = \int_{u=0}^t h_0(u)du\).

Survival functions are exponential multiples of \(S_0(t)\)

\[ \begin{aligned} S(t|x) &= \text{exp}\left\{-H(t|x)\right\}\\ &= \text{exp}\left\{-\theta(x)\cdot H_0(t)\right\}\\ &= \left(\text{exp}\left\{- H_0(t)\right\}\right)^{\theta(x)}\\ &= \left(S_0(t)\right)^{\theta(x)}\\ \end{aligned} \]

where \(S_0(t) \stackrel{\text{def}}{=}P(T\ge t | \boldsymbol X = 0)\) is the survival function for an individual whose covariates are all equal to their default values.

6.1.4 Testing the proportional hazards assumption

The Nelson-Aalen estimate of the cumulative hazard is usually used for estimates of the hazard and often the cumulative hazard.

If the hazards of the three groups are proportional, that means that the ratio of the hazards is constant over \(t\). We can test this using the ratios of the estimated cumulative hazards, which also would be proportional, as shown above.

Show R code


bmt = 
  bmt |> 
  as_tibble() |> 
    group = 
      group |> 
        labels = c("ALL","Low Risk AML","High Risk AML")))

nafit = survfit(
  formula = Surv(t2,d3) ~ group,
  type = "fleming-harrington",
  data = bmt)

bmt_curves = tibble(timevec = 1:1000)
sf1 <- with(nafit[1], stepfun(time,c(1,surv)))
sf2 <- with(nafit[2], stepfun(time,c(1,surv)))
sf3 <- with(nafit[3], stepfun(time,c(1,surv)))

bmt_curves = 
  bmt_curves |> 
    cumhaz1 = -log(sf1(timevec)),
    cumhaz2 = -log(sf2(timevec)),
    cumhaz3 = -log(sf3(timevec)))
Show R code
bmt_rel_hazard_plot = 
  bmt_curves |> 
      x = timevec,
      y = cumhaz1/cumhaz2)
  ) +
  geom_line(aes(col = "ALL/Low Risk AML")) + 
  ylab("Hazard Ratio") +
  xlab("Time") + 
  ylim(0,6) +
  geom_line(aes(y = cumhaz3/cumhaz1, col = "High Risk AML/ALL")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = cumhaz3/cumhaz2, col = "High Risk AML/Low Risk AML")) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(colour = "Comparison") +

Hazard Ratios by Disease Group

We can zoom in on 30-300 days to take a closer look:

Show R code
bmt_rel_hazard_plot + xlim(c(30,300))
Hazard Ratios by Disease Group (30-300 Days)

6.1.5 Smoothed hazard functions

The Nelson-Aalen estimate of the cumulative hazard is usually used for estimates of the hazard. Since the hazard is the derivative of the cumulative hazard, we need a smooth estimate of the cumulative hazard, which is provided by smoothing the step-function cumulative hazard.

The R package muhaz handles this for us. What we are looking for is whether the hazard function is more or less the same shape, increasing, decreasing, constant, etc. Are the hazards “proportional”?

Show R code
  mark.time = TRUE)
legend("bottomright",c("ALL","Low Risk AML","High Risk AML"),col=1:3,lwd=2)
Disease-Free Cumulative Hazard by Disease Group

Show R code

muhaz(bmt$t2,bmt$d3,bmt$group=="High Risk AML") |> plot(lwd=2,col=3)
muhaz(bmt$t2,bmt$d3,bmt$group=="ALL") |> lines(lwd=2,col=1)
muhaz(bmt$t2,bmt$d3,bmt$group=="Low Risk AML") |> lines(lwd=2,col=2)
legend("topright",c("ALL","Low Risk AML","High Risk AML"),col=1:3,lwd=2)
Smoothed Hazard Rate Estimates by Disease Group

Group 3 was plotted first because it has the highest hazard.

We will see that except for an initial blip in the high risk AML group, the hazards look roughly proportional . They are all strongly decreasing.

6.1.6 Fitting the Proportional Hazards Model

How do we fit a proportional hazards regression model? We need to estimate the coefficients of the covariates, and we need to estimate the base hazard \(h_0(t)\). For the covariates, supposing for simplicity that there are no tied event times, let the event times for the whole data set be \(t_1, t_2,\ldots,t_D\). Let the risk set at time \(t_i\) be \(R(t_i)\) and

\[ \begin{aligned} \eta(\boldsymbol{x}) &= \beta_1x_{1}+\cdots+\beta_p x_{p}\\ \theta(\boldsymbol{x}) &= e^{\eta(\boldsymbol{x})}\\ h(t|X=x)&= h_0(t)e^{\eta(\boldsymbol{x})}=\theta(\boldsymbol{x}) h_0(t) \end{aligned} \]

Conditional on a single failure at time \(t\), the probability that the event is due to subject \(f\in R(t)\) is approximately

\[ \begin{aligned} \Pr(f \text{ fails}|\text{1 failure at } t) &= \frac{h_0(t)e^{\eta(\boldsymbol{x}_f)}}{\sum_{k \in R(t)}h_0(t)e^{\eta(\boldsymbol{x}_f)}}\\ &=\frac{\theta(\boldsymbol{x}_f)}{\sum_{k \in R(t)} \theta(\boldsymbol{x}_k)} \end{aligned} \]

The logic behind this has several steps. We first fix (ex post) the failure times and note that in this discrete context, the probability \(p_j\) that a subject \(j\) in the risk set fails at time \(t\) is just the hazard of that subject at that time.

If all of the \(p_j\) are small, the chance that exactly one subject fails is

\[ \sum_{k\in R(t)}p_k\left[\prod_{m\in R(t), m\ne k} (1-p_m)\right]\approx\sum_{k\in R(t)}p_k \]

If subject \(i\) is the one who experiences the event of interest at time \(t_i\), then the partial likelihood is

\[ \mathcal L^*(\beta|T)= \prod_i \frac{\theta(x_i)}{\sum_{k \in R(t_i)} \theta(\boldsymbol{x}_k)} \]

and we can numerically maximize this with respect to the coefficients \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\) that specify \(\eta(\boldsymbol{x}) = \boldsymbol{x}'\boldsymbol{\beta}\). When there are tied event times adjustments need to be made, but the likelihood is still similar. Note that we don’t need to know the base hazard to solve for the coefficients.

Once we have coefficient estimates \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}} =(\hat \beta_1,\ldots,\hat\beta_p)\), this also defines \(\hat\eta(x)\) and \(\hat\theta(x)\) and then the estimated base cumulative hazard function is \[\hat H(t)= \sum_{t_i < t} \frac{d_i}{\sum_{k\in R(t_i)} \theta(x_k)}\] which reduces to the Nelson-Aalen estimate when there are no covariates. There are numerous other estimates that have been proposed as well.

6.2 Cox Model for the bmt data

6.2.1 Fit the model

Show R code

bmt.cox <- coxph(Surv(t2, d3) ~ group, data = bmt)
#> Call:
#> coxph(formula = Surv(t2, d3) ~ group, data = bmt)
#>   n= 137, number of events= 83 
#>                      coef exp(coef) se(coef)     z Pr(>|z|)  
#> groupLow Risk AML  -0.574     0.563    0.287 -2.00    0.046 *
#> groupHigh Risk AML  0.383     1.467    0.267  1.43    0.152  
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#>                    exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
#> groupLow Risk AML      0.563      1.776     0.321     0.989
#> groupHigh Risk AML     1.467      0.682     0.869     2.478
#> Concordance= 0.625  (se = 0.03 )
#> Likelihood ratio test= 13.4  on 2 df,   p=0.001
#> Wald test            = 13  on 2 df,   p=0.001
#> Score (logrank) test = 13.8  on 2 df,   p=0.001

The table provides hypothesis tests comparing groups 2 and 3 to group 1. Group 3 has the highest hazard, so the most significant comparison is not directly shown.

The coefficient 0.3834 is on the log-hazard-ratio scale, as in log-risk-ratio. The next column gives the hazard ratio 1.4673, and a hypothesis (Wald) test.

The (not shown) group 3 vs. group 2 log hazard ratio is 0.3834 + 0.5742 = 0.9576. The hazard ratio is then exp(0.9576) or 2.605.

Inference on all coefficients and combinations can be constructed using coef(bmt.cox) and vcov(bmt.cox) as with logistic and poisson regression.

Concordance is agreement of first failure between pairs of subjects and higher predicted risk between those subjects, omitting non-informative pairs.

The Rsquare value is Cox and Snell’s pseudo R-squared and is not very useful.

summary() prints three tests for whether the model with the group covariate is better than the one without

  • Likelihood ratio test (chi-squared)
  • Wald test (also chi-squared), obtained by adding the squares of the z-scores
  • Score = log-rank test, as with comparison of survival functions.

The likelihood ratio test is probably best in smaller samples, followed by the Wald test.

6.2.2 Survival Curves from the Cox Model

We can take a look at the resulting group-specific curves:

Show R code

#| fig-cap: "Survival Functions for Three Groups by KM and Cox Model"

km_fit = survfit(Surv(t2, d3) ~ group, data = as.data.frame(bmt))

cox_fit = survfit(
  newdata = 
      group = unique(bmt$group), 
      row.names = unique(bmt$group)))


list(KM = km_fit, Cox = cox_fit) |> 
    # facet.by = "group",
    legend = "bottom", 
    legend.title = "",
    combine = TRUE, 
    fun = 'pct', 
    size = .5,
    ggtheme = theme_bw(), 
    conf.int = FALSE, 
    censor = FALSE) |> 
  suppressWarnings() # ggsurvplot() throws some warnings that aren't too worrying

When we use survfit() with a Cox model, we have to specify the covariate levels we are interested in; the argument newdata should include a data.frame with the same named columns as the predictors in the Cox model and one or more levels of each.

Otherwise (that is, if the newdata argument is missing), a curve is produced for a single “pseudo” subject with covariate values equal to the means component of the fit.

The resulting curve(s) almost never make sense, but the default remains due to an unwarranted attachment to the option shown by some users and by other packages.

Two particularly egregious examples are factor variables and interactions. Suppose one were studying interspecies transmission of a virus, and the data set has a factor variable with levels (“pig”, “chicken”) and about equal numbers of observations for each. The “mean” covariate level will be 0.5 – is this a flying pig?

6.2.3 Examining survfit

Show R code
survfit(Surv(t2, d3)~group,data=bmt)
#> Call: survfit(formula = Surv(t2, d3) ~ group, data = bmt)
#>                      n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL
#> group=ALL           38     24    418     194      NA
#> group=Low Risk AML  54     25   2204     704      NA
#> group=High Risk AML 45     34    183     115     456
Show R code
survfit(Surv(t2, d3)~group,data=bmt) |> summary()
#> Call: survfit(formula = Surv(t2, d3) ~ group, data = bmt)
#>                 group=ALL 
#>  time n.risk n.event survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
#>     1     38       1    0.974  0.0260        0.924        1.000
#>    55     37       1    0.947  0.0362        0.879        1.000
#>    74     36       1    0.921  0.0437        0.839        1.000
#>    86     35       1    0.895  0.0498        0.802        0.998
#>   104     34       1    0.868  0.0548        0.767        0.983
#>   107     33       1    0.842  0.0592        0.734        0.966
#>   109     32       1    0.816  0.0629        0.701        0.949
#>   110     31       1    0.789  0.0661        0.670        0.930
#>   122     30       2    0.737  0.0714        0.609        0.891
#>   129     28       1    0.711  0.0736        0.580        0.870
#>   172     27       1    0.684  0.0754        0.551        0.849
#>   192     26       1    0.658  0.0770        0.523        0.827
#>   194     25       1    0.632  0.0783        0.495        0.805
#>   230     23       1    0.604  0.0795        0.467        0.782
#>   276     22       1    0.577  0.0805        0.439        0.758
#>   332     21       1    0.549  0.0812        0.411        0.734
#>   383     20       1    0.522  0.0817        0.384        0.709
#>   418     19       1    0.494  0.0819        0.357        0.684
#>   466     18       1    0.467  0.0818        0.331        0.658
#>   487     17       1    0.439  0.0815        0.305        0.632
#>   526     16       1    0.412  0.0809        0.280        0.605
#>   609     14       1    0.382  0.0803        0.254        0.577
#>   662     13       1    0.353  0.0793        0.227        0.548
#>                 group=Low Risk AML 
#>  time n.risk n.event survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
#>    10     54       1    0.981  0.0183        0.946        1.000
#>    35     53       1    0.963  0.0257        0.914        1.000
#>    48     52       1    0.944  0.0312        0.885        1.000
#>    53     51       1    0.926  0.0356        0.859        0.998
#>    79     50       1    0.907  0.0394        0.833        0.988
#>    80     49       1    0.889  0.0428        0.809        0.977
#>   105     48       1    0.870  0.0457        0.785        0.965
#>   211     47       1    0.852  0.0483        0.762        0.952
#>   219     46       1    0.833  0.0507        0.740        0.939
#>   248     45       1    0.815  0.0529        0.718        0.925
#>   272     44       1    0.796  0.0548        0.696        0.911
#>   288     43       1    0.778  0.0566        0.674        0.897
#>   381     42       1    0.759  0.0582        0.653        0.882
#>   390     41       1    0.741  0.0596        0.633        0.867
#>   414     40       1    0.722  0.0610        0.612        0.852
#>   421     39       1    0.704  0.0621        0.592        0.837
#>   481     38       1    0.685  0.0632        0.572        0.821
#>   486     37       1    0.667  0.0642        0.552        0.805
#>   606     36       1    0.648  0.0650        0.533        0.789
#>   641     35       1    0.630  0.0657        0.513        0.773
#>   704     34       1    0.611  0.0663        0.494        0.756
#>   748     33       1    0.593  0.0669        0.475        0.739
#>  1063     26       1    0.570  0.0681        0.451        0.720
#>  1074     25       1    0.547  0.0691        0.427        0.701
#>  2204      6       1    0.456  0.1012        0.295        0.704
#>                 group=High Risk AML 
#>  time n.risk n.event survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
#>     2     45       1    0.978  0.0220        0.936        1.000
#>    16     44       1    0.956  0.0307        0.897        1.000
#>    32     43       1    0.933  0.0372        0.863        1.000
#>    47     42       2    0.889  0.0468        0.802        0.986
#>    48     40       1    0.867  0.0507        0.773        0.972
#>    63     39       1    0.844  0.0540        0.745        0.957
#>    64     38       1    0.822  0.0570        0.718        0.942
#>    74     37       1    0.800  0.0596        0.691        0.926
#>    76     36       1    0.778  0.0620        0.665        0.909
#>    80     35       1    0.756  0.0641        0.640        0.892
#>    84     34       1    0.733  0.0659        0.615        0.875
#>    93     33       1    0.711  0.0676        0.590        0.857
#>   100     32       1    0.689  0.0690        0.566        0.838
#>   105     31       1    0.667  0.0703        0.542        0.820
#>   113     30       1    0.644  0.0714        0.519        0.801
#>   115     29       1    0.622  0.0723        0.496        0.781
#>   120     28       1    0.600  0.0730        0.473        0.762
#>   157     27       1    0.578  0.0736        0.450        0.742
#>   162     26       1    0.556  0.0741        0.428        0.721
#>   164     25       1    0.533  0.0744        0.406        0.701
#>   168     24       1    0.511  0.0745        0.384        0.680
#>   183     23       1    0.489  0.0745        0.363        0.659
#>   242     22       1    0.467  0.0744        0.341        0.638
#>   268     21       1    0.444  0.0741        0.321        0.616
#>   273     20       1    0.422  0.0736        0.300        0.594
#>   318     19       1    0.400  0.0730        0.280        0.572
#>   363     18       1    0.378  0.0723        0.260        0.550
#>   390     17       1    0.356  0.0714        0.240        0.527
#>   422     16       1    0.333  0.0703        0.221        0.504
#>   456     15       1    0.311  0.0690        0.201        0.481
#>   467     14       1    0.289  0.0676        0.183        0.457
#>   625     13       1    0.267  0.0659        0.164        0.433
#>   677     12       1    0.244  0.0641        0.146        0.409
Show R code
#> Call: survfit(formula = bmt.cox)
#>        n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL
#> [1,] 137     83    422     268      NA
survfit(bmt.cox, newdata = tibble(group = unique(bmt$group)))
#> Call: survfit(formula = bmt.cox, newdata = tibble(group = unique(bmt$group)))
#>     n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL
#> 1 137     83    422     268      NA
#> 2 137     83     NA     625      NA
#> 3 137     83    268     162     467
Show R code
bmt.cox |> 
  survfit(newdata = tibble(group = unique(bmt$group))) |> 
#> Call: survfit(formula = bmt.cox, newdata = tibble(group = unique(bmt$group)))
#>  time n.risk n.event survival1 survival2 survival3
#>     1    137       1     0.993     0.996     0.989
#>     2    136       1     0.985     0.992     0.978
#>    10    135       1     0.978     0.987     0.968
#>    16    134       1     0.970     0.983     0.957
#>    32    133       1     0.963     0.979     0.946
#>    35    132       1     0.955     0.975     0.935
#>    47    131       2     0.941     0.966     0.914
#>    48    129       2     0.926     0.957     0.893
#>    53    127       1     0.918     0.953     0.882
#>    55    126       1     0.911     0.949     0.872
#>    63    125       1     0.903     0.944     0.861
#>    64    124       1     0.896     0.940     0.851
#>    74    123       2     0.881     0.931     0.830
#>    76    121       1     0.873     0.926     0.819
#>    79    120       1     0.865     0.922     0.809
#>    80    119       2     0.850     0.913     0.788
#>    84    117       1     0.843     0.908     0.778
#>    86    116       1     0.835     0.903     0.768
#>    93    115       1     0.827     0.899     0.757
#>   100    114       1     0.820     0.894     0.747
#>   104    113       1     0.812     0.889     0.737
#>   105    112       2     0.797     0.880     0.717
#>   107    110       1     0.789     0.875     0.707
#>   109    109       1     0.782     0.870     0.697
#>   110    108       1     0.774     0.866     0.687
#>   113    107       1     0.766     0.861     0.677
#>   115    106       1     0.759     0.856     0.667
#>   120    105       1     0.751     0.851     0.657
#>   122    104       2     0.735     0.841     0.637
#>   129    102       1     0.727     0.836     0.627
#>   157    101       1     0.720     0.831     0.617
#>   162    100       1     0.712     0.826     0.607
#>   164     99       1     0.704     0.821     0.598
#>   168     98       1     0.696     0.815     0.588
#>   172     97       1     0.688     0.810     0.578
#>   183     96       1     0.680     0.805     0.568
#>   192     95       1     0.672     0.800     0.558
#>   194     94       1     0.664     0.794     0.549
#>   211     93       1     0.656     0.789     0.539
#>   219     92       1     0.648     0.783     0.530
#>   230     90       1     0.640     0.778     0.520
#>   242     89       1     0.632     0.773     0.511
#>   248     88       1     0.624     0.767     0.501
#>   268     87       1     0.616     0.761     0.492
#>   272     86       1     0.608     0.756     0.482
#>   273     85       1     0.600     0.750     0.473
#>   276     84       1     0.592     0.745     0.464
#>   288     83       1     0.584     0.739     0.454
#>   318     82       1     0.576     0.733     0.445
#>   332     81       1     0.568     0.727     0.436
#>   363     80       1     0.560     0.722     0.427
#>   381     79       1     0.552     0.716     0.418
#>   383     78       1     0.544     0.710     0.409
#>   390     77       2     0.528     0.698     0.392
#>   414     75       1     0.520     0.692     0.383
#>   418     74       1     0.512     0.686     0.374
#>   421     73       1     0.504     0.680     0.366
#>   422     72       1     0.496     0.674     0.357
#>   456     71       1     0.488     0.667     0.349
#>   466     70       1     0.480     0.661     0.340
#>   467     69       1     0.472     0.655     0.332
#>   481     68       1     0.464     0.649     0.324
#>   486     67       1     0.455     0.642     0.315
#>   487     66       1     0.447     0.636     0.307
#>   526     65       1     0.439     0.629     0.299
#>   606     63       1     0.431     0.623     0.291
#>   609     62       1     0.423     0.616     0.283
#>   625     61       1     0.415     0.609     0.275
#>   641     60       1     0.407     0.603     0.267
#>   662     59       1     0.399     0.596     0.260
#>   677     58       1     0.391     0.589     0.252
#>   704     57       1     0.383     0.582     0.244
#>   748     56       1     0.374     0.575     0.237
#>  1063     47       1     0.365     0.567     0.228
#>  1074     46       1     0.356     0.559     0.220
#>  2204      9       1     0.313     0.520     0.182

6.3 Adjustment for Ties (optional)


At each time \(t_i\) at which more than one of the subjects has an event, let \(d_i\) be the number of events at that time, \(D_i\) the set of subjects with events at that time, and let \(s_i\) be a covariate vector for an artificial subject obtained by adding up the covariate values for the subjects with an event at time \(t_i\). Let \[\bar\eta_i = \beta_1s_{i1}+\cdots+\beta_ps_{ip}\] and \(\bar\theta_i = \text{exp}\left\{\bar\eta_i\right\}\).

Let \(s_i\) be a covariate vector for an artificial subject obtained by adding up the covariate values for the subjects with an event at time \(t_i\). Note that

\[ \begin{aligned} \bar\eta_i &=\sum_{j \in D_i}\beta_1x_{j1}+\cdots+\beta_px_{jp}\\ &= \beta_1s_{i1}+\cdots+\beta_ps_{ip}\\ \bar\theta_i &= \text{exp}\left\{\bar\eta_i\right\}\\ &= \prod_{j \in D_i}\theta_i \end{aligned} \]

Breslow’s method for ties

Breslow’s method estimates the partial likelihood as

\[ \begin{aligned} L(\beta|T) &= \prod_i \frac{\bar\theta_i}{[\sum_{k \in R(t_i)} \theta_k]^{d_i}}\\ &= \prod_i \prod_{j \in D_i}\frac{\theta_j}{\sum_{k \in R(t_i)} \theta_k} \end{aligned} \]

This method is equivalent to treating each event as distinct and using the non-ties formula. It works best when the number of ties is small. It is the default in many statistical packages, including PROC PHREG in SAS.

Efron’s method for ties

The other common method is Efron’s, which is the default in R.

\[L(\beta|T)= \prod_i \frac{\bar\theta_i}{\prod_{j=1}^{d_i}[\sum_{k \in R(t_i)} \theta_k-\frac{j-1}{d_i}\sum_{k \in D_i} \theta_k]}\] This is closer to the exact discrete partial likelihood when there are many ties.

The third option in R (and an option also in SAS as discrete) is the “exact” method, which is the same one used for matched logistic regression.

Example: Breslow’s method

Suppose as an example we have a time \(t\) where there are 20 individuals at risk and three failures. Let the three individuals have risk parameters \(\theta_1, \theta_2, \theta_3\) and let the sum of the risk parameters of the remaining 17 individuals be \(\theta_R\). Then the factor in the partial likelihood at time \(t\) using Breslow’s method is

\[ \left(\frac{\theta_1}{\theta_R+\theta_1+\theta_2+\theta_3}\right) \left(\frac{\theta_2}{\theta_R+\theta_1+\theta_2+\theta_3}\right) \left(\frac{\theta_3}{\theta_R+\theta_1+\theta_2+\theta_3}\right) \]

If on the other hand, they had died in the order 1,2, 3, then the contribution to the partial likelihood would be:

\[ \left(\frac{\theta_1}{\theta_R+\theta_1+\theta_2+\theta_3}\right) \left(\frac{\theta_2}{\theta_R+\theta_2+\theta_3}\right) \left(\frac{\theta_3}{\theta_R+\theta_3}\right) \]

as the risk set got smaller with each failure. The exact method roughly averages the results for the six possible orderings of the failures.

Example: Efron’s method

But we don’t know the order they failed in, so instead of reducing the denominator by one risk coefficient each time, we reduce it by the same fraction. This is Efron’s method.

\[\left(\frac{\theta_1}{\theta_R+\theta_1+\theta_2+\theta_3}\right) \left(\frac{\theta_2}{\theta_R+2(\theta_1+\theta_2+\theta_3)/3}\right) \left(\frac{\theta_3}{\theta_R+(\theta_1+\theta_2+\theta_3)/3}\right)\]