Appendix C — Probability


Last modified: 2025-02-05: 22:14:01 (PM)

Configuring R

Functions from these packages will be used throughout this document:

Show R code
library(conflicted) # check for conflicting function definitions
# library(printr) # inserts help-file output into markdown output
library(rmarkdown) # Convert R Markdown documents into a variety of formats.
library(pander) # format tables for markdown
library(ggplot2) # graphics
library(ggeasy) # help with graphics
library(ggfortify) # help with graphics
library(dplyr) # manipulate data
library(tibble) # `tibble`s extend `data.frame`s
library(magrittr) # `%>%` and other additional piping tools
library(haven) # import Stata files
library(knitr) # format R output for markdown
library(tidyr) # Tools to help to create tidy data
library(plotly) # interactive graphics
library(dobson) # datasets from Dobson and Barnett 2018
library(parameters) # format model output tables for markdown
library(haven) # import Stata files
library(latex2exp) # use LaTeX in R code (for figures and tables)
library(fs) # filesystem path manipulations
library(survival) # survival analysis
library(survminer) # survival analysis graphics
library(KMsurv) # datasets from Klein and Moeschberger
library(parameters) # format model output tables for
library(webshot2) # convert interactive content to static for pdf
library(forcats) # functions for categorical variables ("factors")
library(stringr) # functions for dealing with strings
library(lubridate) # functions for dealing with dates and times

Here are some R settings I use in this document:

Show R code
rm(list = ls()) # delete any data that's already loaded into R

  ggplot2::theme_bw() + 
        # ggplot2::labs(col = "") +
      legend.position = "bottom",
      text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 12, family = "serif")))

knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = FALSE)
options('digits' = 4)

panderOptions("big.mark", ",")
pander::panderOptions("table.emphasize.rownames", FALSE)
pander::panderOptions("table.split.table", Inf)
conflicts_prefer(dplyr::filter) # use the `filter()` function from dplyr() by default
legend_text_size = 9

Most of the content in this chapter should be review from UC Davis Epi 202.

C.1 Statistical events

Theorem C.1 If \(A\) and \(B\) are statistical events and \(A\subseteq B\), then \(p(A, B) = p(A)\).

Proof. Left to the reader.

C.2 Random variables

C.2.1 Binary variables

Definition C.1 (binary variable) A binary variable is a random variable which has only two possible values in its range.

Exercise C.1 (Examples of binary variables) What are some examples of binary variables in the health sciences?

Solution. Examples of binary outcomes include:

  • exposure (exposed vs unexposed)
  • disease (diseased vs healthy)
  • recovery (recovered vs unrecovered)
  • relapse (relapse vs remission)
  • return to hospital (returned vs not)
  • vital status (dead vs alive)

C.2.2 Count variables

Definition C.2 (Count variable) A count variable is a random variable whose possible values are some subset of the non-negative integers; that is, a random variable \(X\) such that:

\[\mathcal{R}(X) \in \mathbb{N}\]

Exercise C.2 What are some examples of count variables?


Exposure magnitude

Definition C.3 (Exposure magnitude) For many count outcomes, there is some sense of exposure magnitude, population size, or duration of observation.

Exercise C.3 What are some examples of exposure magnitudes?


Table C.1: Examples of exposure units
outcome exposure units
disease incidence number of individuals exposed; time at risk
car accidents miles driven
worksite accidents person-hours worked
population size size of habitat

Exposure units are similar to the number of trials in a binomial distribution, but in non-binomial count outcomes, there can be more than one event per unit of exposure.

We can use \(t\) to represent continuous-valued exposures/observation durations, and \(n\) to represent discrete-valued exposures.

Definition C.4 (Event rate)  

For a count outcome \(Y\) with exposure magnitude \(t\), the event rate (denoted \(\lambda\)) is defined as the mean of \(Y\) divided by the the exposure magnitude. That is:

\[\mu \stackrel{\text{def}}{=}\mathbb{E}[Y|T=t]\]

\[\lambda \stackrel{\text{def}}{=}\frac{\mu}{t} \tag{C.1}\]

Event rate is somewhat analogous to odds in binary outcome models; it typically serves as an intermediate transformation between the mean of the outcome and the linear component of the model. However, in contrast with the odds function, the transformation \(\lambda = \mu/t\) is not considered part of the Poisson model’s link function, and it treats the exposure magnitude covariate differently from the other covariates.

Theorem C.2 (Transformation function from event rate to mean) For a count variable with mean \(\mu\), event rate \(\lambda\), and exposure magnitude \(t\):

\[\therefore\mu = \lambda \cdot t \tag{C.2}\]

Solution. Start from definition of event rate and use algebra to solve for \(\mu\).

Equation C.2 is analogous to the inverse-odds function for binary variables.

Theorem C.3 When the exposure magnitude is 0, there is no opportunity for events to occur:

\[\mathbb{E}[Y|T=0] = 0\]

Proof. \[\mathbb{E}[Y|T=0] = \lambda \cdot 0 = 0\]

Probability distributions for count outcomes

C.3 Key probability distributions

C.3.1 The Bernoulli distribution

Definition C.5 (Bernoulli distribution) The Bernoulli distribution family for a random variable \(X\) is defined as:

\[ \begin{aligned} \Pr(X=x) &= \mathbb{1}_{x\in \left\{0,1\right\}}\pi^x(1-\pi)^{1-x}\\ &= \left\{{\pi, x=1}\atop{1-\pi, x=0}\right. \end{aligned} \]

C.3.2 The Poisson distribution

Figure C.1: “Les Poissons”
Siméon Denis Poisson

Definition C.6 (Poisson distribution) \[\mathcal{R}(Y) = \left\{0, 1, 2, ...\right\} = \mathbb{N}\]

\[\text{P}(Y = y) = \frac{\mu^{y} e^{-\mu}}{y!}, y \in \mathbb{N} \tag{C.3}\]

(see Figure C.2)

\[\text{P}(Y \le y) = e^{-\mu} \sum_{j=0}^{\left \lfloor{y}\right \rfloor}\frac{\mu^j}{j!} \tag{C.4}\]

(see Figure C.3)

Show R code
pois_dists = tibble(
  mu = c(0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20)) |> 
    .by = mu,
    x = 0:30
  ) |> 
    `P(X = x)` = dpois(x, lambda = mu),
    `P(X <= x)` = ppois(x, lambda = mu),
    mu = factor(mu)


plot0 = pois_dists |> 
      x = x,
      y = `P(X = x)`,
      fill = mu,
      col = mu)) +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
    fill = latex2exp::TeX("$\\mu$"),
    col = latex2exp::TeX("$\\mu$"),
    y = latex2exp::TeX("$\\Pr_{\\mu}(X = x)$"))

plot1 = plot0 + 
  geom_col(position = "identity", alpha  = .5) +
  # geom_point(alpha = 0.75) +
  # geom_line(alpha = 0.75)
Figure C.2: Poisson PMFs, by mean parameter \(\mu\)

Show R code

plot2 = 
  plot0 + 
  geom_step(alpha = 0.75) +
  aes(y = `P(X <= x)`) + 
  labs(y = latex2exp::TeX("$\\Pr_{\\mu}(X \\leq x)$"))

Figure C.3: Poisson CDFs

Exercise C.4 (Poisson distribution functions) Let \(X \sim \text{Pois}(\mu = 3.75)\).


  • \(\text{P}(X = 4 | \mu = 3.75)\)
  • \(\text{P}(X \le 7 | \mu = 3.75)\)
  • \(\text{P}(X > 5 | \mu = 3.75)\)


  • \(\text{P}(X=4) = 0.1938\)
  • \(\text{P}(X\le 7) = 0.9624\)
  • \(\text{P}(X > 5) = 0.1771\)

Theorem C.4 (Properties of the Poisson distribution) If \(X \sim \text{Pois}(\mu)\), then:

  • \(\mathbb{E}[X] = \mu\)
  • \(\text{Var}(X) = \mu\)
  • \(\text{P}(X=x) = \frac{\mu}{x} \text{P}(X = x-1)\)
  • For \(x < \mu\), \(\text{P}(X=x) > \text{P}(X = x-1)\)
  • For \(x = \mu\), \(\text{P}(X=x) = \text{P}(X = x-1)\)
  • For \(x > \mu\), \(\text{P}(X=x) < \text{P}(X = x-1)\)
  • \(\arg \max_{x} \text{P}(X=x) = \left \lfloor{\mu}\right \rfloor\)

Exercise C.5 Prove Theorem C.4.

Solution. \[ \begin{aligned} \text{E}[X] &= \sum_{x=0}^\infty x \cdot P(X=x)\\ &= 0 \cdot P(X=0) + \sum_{x=1}^\infty x \cdot P(X=x)\\ &= 0 + \sum_{x=1}^\infty x \cdot P(X=x)\\ &= \sum_{x=1}^\infty x \cdot P(X=x)\\ &= \sum_{x=1}^\infty x \cdot \frac{\lambda^x e^{-\lambda}}{x!}\\ &= \sum_{x=1}^\infty x \cdot \frac{\lambda^x e^{-\lambda}}{x \cdot (x-1)!} & [\text{definition of factorial ("!") function}]\\ &= \sum_{x=1}^\infty \frac{\lambda^x e^{-\lambda}}{ (x-1)!}\\ &= \sum_{x=1}^\infty \frac{(\lambda \cdot \lambda^{x-1}) e^{-\lambda}}{ (x-1)!}\\ &= \lambda \cdot \sum_{x=1}^\infty \frac{( \lambda^{x-1}) e^{-\lambda}}{ (x-1)!}\\ &= \lambda \cdot \sum_{y=0}^\infty \frac{( \lambda^{y}) e^{-\lambda}}{ (y)!} &[\text{substituting } y \stackrel{\text{def}}{=}x-1]\\ &= \lambda \cdot 1 &[\text{because PDFs sum to 1}]\\ &= \lambda\\ \end{aligned} \]

See also

For the variance, see

Accounting for exposure

If the exposures/observation durations, denoted \(T=t\) or \(N=n\), vary between observations, we model:

\[\mu = \lambda\cdot t\]

\(\lambda\) is interpreted as the “expected event rate per unit of exposure”; that is,

\[\lambda = \frac{\mathbb{E}[Y|T=t]}{t}\]


The exposure magnitude, \(T\), is similar to a covariate in linear or logistic regression. However, there is an important difference: in count regression, there is no intercept corresponding to \(\mathbb{E}[Y|T=0]\). In other words, this model assumes that if there is no exposure, there can’t be any events.

Theorem C.5 If \(\mu = \lambda\cdot t\), then:

\[\text{log}\left\{\mu \right\}= \text{log}\left\{\lambda\right\} + \text{log}\left\{t\right\}\]

Definition C.7 (Offset) When the linear component of a model involves a term without an unknown coefficient, that term is called an offset.

Theorem C.6 If \(X\) and \(Y\) are independent Poisson random variables with means \(\mu_X\) and \(\mu_Y\), their sum, \(Z=X+Y\), is also a Poisson random variable, with mean \(\mu_Z = \mu_X + \mu_Y\).

C.3.3 The Negative-Binomial distribution

Definition C.8 (Negative binomial distribution) \[ \text{P}(Y=y) = \frac{\mu^y}{y!} \cdot \frac{\Gamma(\rho + y)}{\Gamma(\rho) \cdot (\rho + \mu)^y} \cdot \left(1+\frac{\mu}{\rho}\right)^{-\rho} \]

where \(\rho\) is an overdispersion parameter and \(\Gamma(x) = (x-1)!\) for integers \(x\).

You don’t need to memorize or understand this expression.

As \(\rho \rightarrow \infty\), the second term converges to 1 and the third term converges to \(\text{exp}\left\{-\mu\right\}\), which brings us back to the Poisson distribution.

Theorem C.7 If \(Y \sim \text{NegBin}(\mu, \rho)\), then:

  • \(\mathbb{E}[Y] = \mu\)
  • \(\text{Var}\left(Y\right) = \mu + \frac{\mu^2}{\rho} > \mu\)

C.3.4 Weibull Distribution

\[ \begin{aligned} p(t)&= \alpha\lambda x^{\alpha-1}\text{e}^{-\lambda x^\alpha}\\ h(t)&=\alpha\lambda x^{\alpha-1}\\ S(t)&=\text{e}^{-\lambda x^\alpha}\\ E(T)&= \Gamma(1+1/\alpha)\cdot \lambda^{-1/\alpha} \end{aligned} \]

When \(\alpha=1\) this is the exponential. When \(\alpha>1\) the hazard is increasing and when \(\alpha < 1\) the hazard is decreasing. This provides more flexibility than the exponential.

We will see more of this distribution later.

C.4 Characteristics of probability distributions

C.4.1 Probability density function

Definition C.9 (probability density) If \(X\) is a continuous random variable, then the probability density of \(X\) at value \(x\), denoted \(f(x)\), \(f_X(x)\), \(\text{p}(x)\), \(\text{p}_X(x)\), or \(\text{p}(X=x)\), is defined as the limit of the probability (mass) that \(X\) is in an interval around \(x\), divided by the width of that interval, as that width reduces to 0.

\[ \begin{aligned} f(x) &\stackrel{\text{def}}{=}\lim_{\delta \rightarrow 0} \frac{\text{P}(X \in [x, x + \delta])}{\delta} \end{aligned} \]

Theorem C.8 (Density function is derivative of CDF) The density function \(f(t)\) or \(\text{p}(T=t)\) for a random variable \(T\) at value \(t\) is equal to the derivative of the cumulative probability function \(F(t) \stackrel{\text{def}}{=}P(T\le t)\); that is:

\[f(t) \stackrel{\text{def}}{=}\frac{\partial}{\partial t} F(t)\]

Theorem C.9 (Density functions integrate to 1) For any density function \(f(x)\),

\[\int_{x \in \mathcal{R}(X)} f(x) dx = 1\]

C.4.2 Hazard function

Definition C.10 (Hazard function, hazard rate, hazard rate function)  

The hazard function, hazard rate, hazard rate function, for a random variable \(T\) at value \(t\), typically denoted as \(h(t)\) or \(\lambda(t)\), is the conditional density of \(T\) at \(t\), given \(T \ge t\). That is:

\[h(t) \stackrel{\text{def}}{=}\text{p}(T=t|T\ge t)\]

If \(T\) represents the time at which an event occurs, then \(h(t)\) is the probability that the event occurs at time \(t\), given that it has not occurred prior to time \(t\).

C.4.3 Expectation

Definition C.11 (Expectation, expected value, population mean ) The expectation, expected value, or population mean of a continuous random variable \(X\), denoted \(\mathbb{E}\left[X\right]\), \(\mu(X)\), or \(\mu_X\), is the weighted mean of \(X\)’s possible values, weighted by the probability density function of those values:

\[\mathbb{E}\left[X\right] = \int_{x\in \mathcal{R}(X)} x \cdot \text{p}(X=x)dx\]

The expectation, expected value, or population mean of a discrete random variable \(X\), denoted \(\mathbb{E}\left[X\right]\), \(\mu(X)\), or \(\mu_X\), is the mean of \(X\)’s possible values, weighted by the probability mass function of those values:

\[\mathbb{E}\left[X\right] = \sum_{x \in \mathcal{R}(X)} x \cdot \text{P}(X=x)\]


Theorem C.10 (Expectation of the Bernoulli distribution) The expectation of a Bernoulli random variable with parameter \(\pi\) is:

\[\mathbb{E}\left[X\right] = \pi\]

Proof. \[ \begin{aligned} \mathbb{E}\left[X\right] &= \sum_{x\in \mathcal{R}(X)} x \cdot\text{P}(X=x) \\&= \sum_{x\in \left\{0,1\right\}} x \cdot\text{P}(X=x) \\&= \left(0 \cdot\text{P}(X=0)\right) + \left(1 \cdot\text{P}(X=1)\right) \\&= \left(0 \cdot(1-\pi)\right) + \left(1 \cdot\pi\right) \\&= 0 + \pi \\&= \pi \end{aligned} \]

C.5 The Central Limit Theorem

The sum of many independent or nearly-independent random variables with small variances (relative to the number of RVs being summed) produces bell-shaped distributions.

For example, consider the sum of five dice (Figure C.4).

Show R code
dist = 
  expand.grid(1:6, 1:6, 1:6, 1:6, 1:6) |> 
  rowwise() |>
  mutate(total = sum(c_across(everything()))) |> 
  ungroup() |> 
  count(total) |> 
  mutate(`p(X=x)` = n/sum(n))


dist |> 
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = total, y = `p(X=x)`) +
  geom_col() +
  xlab("sum of dice (x)") +
  ylab("Probability of outcome, Pr(X=x)") +
  expand_limits(y = 0)

Figure C.4: Distribution of the sum of five dice

In comparison, the outcome of just one die is not bell-shaped (Figure C.5).

Show R code
dist = 
  expand.grid(1:6) |> 
  rowwise() |>
  mutate(total = sum(c_across(everything()))) |> 
  ungroup() |> 
  count(total) |> 
  mutate(`p(X=x)` = n/sum(n))


dist |> 
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = total, y = `p(X=x)`) +
  geom_col() +
  xlab("sum of dice (x)") +
  ylab("Probability of outcome, Pr(X=x)") +
  expand_limits(y = 0)

Figure C.5: Distribution of the outcome of one die

What distribution does a single die have?

Answer: discrete uniform on 1:6.