Theorem 8.1 If \(T\) has a Weibull distribution, then:
When \(p=1\), the Weibull distribution simplifies to the exponential distribution
When \(p > 1\), the hazard is increasing: \(h'(t) > 0\)
When \(p < 1\), the hazard is decreasing: \(h'(t) < 0\)
\(\text{log}\left\{H(t)\right\}\) is a straight line relative to \(\text{log}\left\{t\right\}\): \(\text{log}\left\{H(t)\right\} = p \text{log}\left\{\lambda\right\} + p \text{log}\left\{t\right\}\)
The Weibull distribution provides more flexibility than the exponential. Figure 8.1 shows some Weibull hazard functions, with \(\lambda = 1\) and \(p\) varying:
We let the linear predictor have a constant term, and when there are no additional predictors the hazard is \(\lambda = \text{exp}\left\{\beta_0\right\}\). This has a log link as in a generalized linear model. Since the hazard does not depend on \(t\), the hazards are (trivially) proportional.
8.1.4 Accelerated Failure Time
Previously, we assumed the hazards were proportional; that is, the covariates multiplied the baseline hazard function:
An alternative modeling assumption would be \[S(t|X=x)=S_0(t\cdot \theta(x))\] where \(\theta(x)=\text{exp}\left\{\eta(x)\right\}\), \(\eta(x) =\beta_1x_1+\cdots+\beta_px_p\), and \(S_0(t)=P(T\ge t|X=0)\) is the base survival function.
&= \int_{t=0}^{\infty} S(t|x)dt\\
&= \int_{t=0}^{\infty} S_0(t\cdot \theta(x))dt\\
&= \int_{u=0}^{\infty} S_0(u)du \cdot \theta(x)^{-1}\\
&= \theta(x)^{-1} \cdot \int_{u=0}^{\infty} S_0(u)du\\
&= \theta(x)^{-1} \cdot \text{E}(T|X=0)\\
\] So the mean of \(T\) given \(X=x\) is the baseline mean divided by \(\theta(x) = \text{exp}\left\{\eta(x)\right\}\).
This modeling strategy is called an accelerated failure time model, because covariates cause uniform acceleration (or slowing) of failure times.
where \(W\) has the extreme value distribution. The estimated parameter \(\lambda\) is the intercept and the other coefficients are those of \(\eta\), which will be the opposite sign of those for coxph.
For a Weibull distribution, the hazard function and the survival function are
h(t)&=\lambda p (\lambda t)^{p-1}\\
S(t)&=e^{-(\lambda t)^p}
We can construct a proportional hazards model by using a linear predictor \(\eta_i\) without constant term and letting \(\theta_i=e^{\eta_i}\) we have
h(t)&=\lambda p (\lambda t)^{p-1}\theta_i
A distribution with \(h(t)=\lambda p (\lambda t)^{p-1}\theta_i\) is a Weibull distribution with parameters \(\lambda^*=\lambda \theta_i^{1/p}\) and \(p\) so the survival function is
where \(W\) has the extreme value distribution. The estimated parameter \(\lambda\) is the intercept and the other coefficients are those of \(\eta\), which will be the opposite sign of those for coxph.
These AFT models are log-linear, meaning that the linear predictor has a log link. The exponential and the Weibull are the only log-linear models that are simultaneously proportional hazards models. Other parametric distributions can be used for survival regression either as a proportional hazards model or as an accelerated failure time model.
8.1.5 Dataset: Leukemia treatments
Remission survival times on 42 leukemia patients, half on new treatment, half on standard treatment.
This is the same data as the drug6mp data from KMsurv, but with two other variables and without the pairing.
Show R code
library(haven)library(survival)anderson=paste0("","/surv2datasets/anderson.dta")|>read_dta()|>mutate( status =status|>case_match(1~"relapse",0~"censored"), sex =sex|>case_match(0~"female",1~"male"), rx =rx|>case_match(0~"new",1~"standard"), surv =Surv(time =survt,event =(status=="relapse")))print(anderson)
Cox semi-parametric model
Show R code
anderson.cox0=coxph( formula =surv~rx, data =anderson)summary(anderson.cox0)#> Call:#> coxph(formula = surv ~ rx, data = anderson)#> #> n= 42, number of events= 30 #> #> coef exp(coef) se(coef) z Pr(>|z|) #> rxstandard 1.572 4.817 0.412 3.81 0.00014 ***#> ---#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1#> #> exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95#> rxstandard 4.82 0.208 2.15 10.8#> #> Concordance= 0.69 (se = 0.041 )#> Likelihood ratio test= 16.4 on 1 df, p=5e-05#> Wald test = 14.5 on 1 df, p=1e-04#> Score (logrank) test = 17.2 on 1 df, p=3e-05
Weibull parametric model
Show R code
anderson.weib<-survreg( formula =surv~rx, data =anderson, dist ="weibull")summary(anderson.weib)#> #> Call:#> survreg(formula = surv ~ rx, data = anderson, dist = "weibull")#> Value Std. Error z p#> (Intercept) 3.516 0.252 13.96 < 2e-16#> rxstandard -1.267 0.311 -4.08 4.5e-05#> Log(scale) -0.312 0.147 -2.12 0.034#> #> Scale= 0.732 #> #> Weibull distribution#> Loglik(model)= -106.6 Loglik(intercept only)= -116.4#> Chisq= 19.65 on 1 degrees of freedom, p= 9.3e-06 #> Number of Newton-Raphson Iterations: 5 #> n= 42
Exponential parametric model
Show R code
anderson.exp<-survreg( formula =surv~rx, data =anderson, dist ="exp")summary(anderson.exp)#> #> Call:#> survreg(formula = surv ~ rx, data = anderson, dist = "exp")#> Value Std. Error z p#> (Intercept) 3.686 0.333 11.06 < 2e-16#> rxstandard -1.527 0.398 -3.83 0.00013#> #> Scale fixed at 1 #> #> Exponential distribution#> Loglik(model)= -108.5 Loglik(intercept only)= -116.8#> Chisq= 16.49 on 1 degrees of freedom, p= 4.9e-05 #> Number of Newton-Raphson Iterations: 4 #> n= 42
If the cloglog plot is linear, then a Weibull model may be ok.
8.2 Combining left-truncation and interval-censoring
From []:
coxph does left truncation but not left (or interval) censoring survreg does interval censoring but not left truncation (or time dependent covariates).
# Parametric survival models---{{< include shared-config.qmd >}}## Parametric Survival Models### Exponential Distribution- The exponential distribution is the basic distribution for survival analysis.$$\begin{aligned} f(t) &= \lambda e^{-\lambda t}\\\log{f(t)} &= \log{\lambda}-\lambda t\\F(t) &= 1-e^{-\lambda t}\\S(t)&= e^{-\lambda t}\\H(t) &= \log{S(t)}\\ &= -\lambda t\\h(t) &= \lambda\\\text{E}(T) &= \lambda^{-1}\end{aligned}$$### Weibull DistributionUsing the Kalbfleisch and Prentice (2002) notation:$$\begin{aligned}f(t)&= \lambda p (\lambda t)^{p-1}e^{-(\lambda t)^p}\\F(t)&=1 - e^{-(\lambda t)^p}\\S(t)&=e^{-(\lambda t)^p}\\h(t)&=\lambda p (\lambda t)^{p-1}\\H(t)&=(\lambda t)^p\\\log{H(t)} &= p \log{\lambda t} \\ &= p \log{\lambda} + p \log{t}\\ \text{E}(T) &= \lambda^{-1} \cdot \Gamma\left(1 + \frac{1}{p}\right)\end{aligned}$$::: callout-noteRecall from calculus:- $\Gamma(t) \stackrel{\text{def}}{=}\int_{u=0}^{\infty}u^{t-1}e^{-u}du$- $\Gamma(t) = (t-1)!$ for integers $t \in \mathbb Z$- It is implemented by the `gamma()` function in R.```{r, echo = FALSE}library(ggplot2)ggplot() + geom_function(fun = gamma) + geom_point(aes(x = 1:5, y = gamma(1:5))) + xlim(1,5) + xlab("t") + ylab(expression(Gamma(t))) + theme_bw() + theme(axis.title.y = element_text(angle=0)) + expand_limits(y = 0)```:::Here are some Weibull density functions, with $\lambda = 1$ and $p$varying:```{r}#| fig-cap: "Density functions for Weibull distribution"library(ggplot2)lambda =1ggplot() +geom_function(aes(col ="0.25"),fun = \(x) dweibull(x, shape =0.25, scale =1/lambda)) +geom_function(aes(col ="0.5"),fun = \(x) dweibull(x, shape =0.5, scale =1/lambda)) +geom_function(aes(col ="1"),fun = \(x) dweibull(x, shape =1, scale =1/lambda)) +geom_function(aes(col ="1.5"),fun = \(x) dweibull(x, shape =1.5, scale =1/lambda)) +geom_function(aes(col ="2"),fun = \(x) dweibull(x, shape =2, scale =1/lambda)) +geom_function(aes(col ="5"),fun = \(x) dweibull(x, shape =5, scale =1/lambda)) +theme_bw() +xlim(0, 2.5) +ylab("f(t)") +theme(axis.title.y =element_text(angle=0)) +theme(legend.position="bottom") +guides(col =guide_legend(title ="p",label.theme =element_text(size =12)))```#### Properties of Weibull hazard functions:::{#thm-weibull-props}If $T$ has a Weibull distribution, then:- When $p=1$, the Weibull distribution simplifies to the exponential distribution- When $p > 1$, the hazard is increasing: $h'(t) > 0$- When $p < 1$, the hazard is decreasing: $h'(t) < 0$- $\log{H(t)}$ is a straight line relative to $\log{t}$: $\log{H(t)} = p \log{\lambda} + p \log{t}$:::---:::{#exr-weibull}Prove @thm-weibull-props.:::---::: notesThe Weibull distribution provides more flexibility than the exponential.@fig-exm-weibull-hazards shows some Weibull hazard functions, with $\lambda = 1$ and $p$ varying::::```{r}#| label: fig-exm-weibull-hazards#| fig-cap: "Hazard functions for Weibull distribution"library(ggplot2)library(eha)lambda =1ggplot() +geom_function(aes(col ="0.25"),fun = \(x) hweibull(x, shape =0.25, scale =1/lambda)) +geom_function(aes(col ="0.5"),fun = \(x) hweibull(x, shape =0.5, scale =1/lambda)) +geom_function(aes(col ="1"),fun = \(x) hweibull(x, shape =1, scale =1/lambda)) +geom_function(aes(col ="1.5"),fun = \(x) hweibull(x, shape =1.5, scale =1/lambda)) +geom_function(aes(col ="2"),fun = \(x) hweibull(x, shape =2, scale =1/lambda)) +theme_bw() +xlim(0, 2.5) +ylab("h(t)") +theme(axis.title.y =element_text(angle=0)) +theme(legend.position="bottom") +guides(col =guide_legend(title ="p",label.theme =element_text(size =12)))```---```{r}#| label: fig-surv-weibull#| fig-cap: "Survival functions for Weibull distribution"library(ggplot2)lambda =1ggplot() +geom_function(aes(col ="0.25"),fun = \(x) pweibull(lower =FALSE, x, shape =0.25, scale =1/lambda)) +geom_function(aes(col ="0.5"),fun = \(x) pweibull(lower =FALSE, x, shape =0.5, scale =1/lambda)) +geom_function(aes(col ="1"),fun = \(x) pweibull(lower =FALSE, x, shape =1, scale =1/lambda)) +geom_function(aes(col ="1.5"),fun = \(x) pweibull(lower =FALSE, x, shape =1.5, scale =1/lambda)) +geom_function(aes(col ="2"),fun = \(x) pweibull(lower =FALSE, x, shape =2, scale =1/lambda)) +theme_bw() +xlim(0, 2.5) +ylab("S(t)") +theme(axis.title.y =element_text(angle=0)) +theme(legend.position="bottom") +guides(col =guide_legend(title ="p",label.theme =element_text(size =12)))```### Exponential RegressionFor each subject $i$, define a linear predictor:$$\begin{aligned}\eta(\boldsymbol x) &= \beta_0 + (\beta_1x_1 + \dots + \beta_p x_p)\\h(t|\boldsymbol x) &= \exp{\eta(\boldsymbol x)}\\h_0 &\stackrel{\text{def}}{=} h(t|\boldsymbol 0)\\&= \exp{\eta(\boldsymbol 0)}\\&= \exp{\beta_0 + (\beta_1 \cdot 0 + \dots + \beta_p \cdot 0)}\\&= \exp{\beta_0 + 0}\\&= \exp{\beta_0}\\\end{aligned}$$We let the linear predictor have a constant term, and when there are noadditional predictors the hazard is $\lambda = \exp{\beta_0}$. This hasa log link as in a generalized linear model. Since the hazard does notdepend on $t$, the hazards are (trivially) proportional.### Accelerated Failure TimePreviously, we assumed the hazards were proportional; that is, thecovariates multiplied the baseline hazard function:$$\begin{aligned}h(T=t|X=x) &\stackrel{\text{def}}{=} p(T=t|X=x,T \ge t)\\&= h(t|X=0)\cdot \exp{\eta(x)}\\&= h(t|X=0)\cdot \theta(x)\\&= h_0(t)\cdot \theta(x)\end{aligned}$$and correspondingly,$$\begin{aligned}H(t|x)&= \theta(x)H_0(t)\\S(t|x)&= \exp{-H(t|x)}\\&= \exp{-\theta(x)\cdot H_0(t)}\\&= \left(\exp{- H_0(t)}\right)^{\theta(x)}\\&= \left(S_0(t)\right)^{\theta(x)}\\\end{aligned}$$An alternative modeling assumption would be$$S(t|X=x)=S_0(t\cdot \theta(x))$$ where $\theta(x)=\exp{\eta(x)}$,$\eta(x) =\beta_1x_1+\cdots+\beta_px_p$, and $S_0(t)=P(T\ge t|X=0)$ isthe base survival function.Then$$\begin{aligned}E(T|X=x)&= \int_{t=0}^{\infty} S(t|x)dt\\&= \int_{t=0}^{\infty} S_0(t\cdot \theta(x))dt\\&= \int_{u=0}^{\infty} S_0(u)du \cdot \theta(x)^{-1}\\&= \theta(x)^{-1} \cdot \int_{u=0}^{\infty} S_0(u)du\\&= \theta(x)^{-1} \cdot \text{E}(T|X=0)\\\end{aligned}$$ So the mean of $T$ given $X=x$ is the baseline mean divided by$\theta(x) = \exp{\eta(x)}$.This modeling strategy is called an accelerated failure time model,because covariates cause uniform acceleration (or slowing) of failuretimes.Additionally:$$\begin{aligned}H(t|x) &= H_0(\theta(x)\cdot t)\\h(t|x) &= \theta(x) \cdot h_0(\theta(x)\cdot t)\end{aligned}$$If the base distribution is exponential with parameter $\lambda$ then$$\begin{aligned}S(t|x)&= \exp{-\lambda \cdot t \theta(x)}\\&= [\exp{-\lambda t}]^{\theta(x)}\\\end{aligned}$$which is an exponential model with base hazard multiplied by$\theta(x)$, which is also the proportional hazards model.::: hiddenIn terms of the log survival time $Y=\log{T}$ the model can be writtenas$$\begin{aligned}Y&=\alpha-\eta+W\\\alpha&= -\log{\lambda}\end{aligned}$$where $W$ has the extreme value distribution. The estimated parameter$\lambda$ is the intercept and the other coefficients are those of$\eta$, which will be the opposite sign of those for coxph.:::For a Weibull distribution, the hazard function and the survivalfunction are$$\begin{aligned}h(t)&=\lambda p (\lambda t)^{p-1}\\S(t)&=e^{-(\lambda t)^p}\end{aligned}$$We can construct a proportional hazards model by using a linearpredictor $\eta_i$ without constant term and letting$\theta_i=e^{\eta_i}$ we have$$\begin{aligned}h(t)&=\lambda p (\lambda t)^{p-1}\theta_i\end{aligned}$$A distribution with $h(t)=\lambda p (\lambda t)^{p-1}\theta_i$ is aWeibull distribution with parameters $\lambda^*=\lambda \theta_i^{1/p}$and $p$ so the survival function is$$\begin{aligned}S^*(t)&=e^{-(\lambda^* t)^p}\\&=e^{-(\lambda \theta^{1/p} t)^p}\\&= S(t\theta^{1/p})\end{aligned}$$so this is also an accelerated failure time model.::: hiddenIn terms of the log survival time $Y=\log{T}$ the model can be writtenas$$\begin{aligned}Y&=\alpha-\sigma\eta+\sigma W\\\alpha&= -\log{\lambda}\\\sigma &= 1/p\end{aligned}$$where $W$ has the extreme value distribution. The estimated parameter$\lambda$ is the intercept and the other coefficients are those of$\eta$, which will be the opposite sign of those for `coxph`.:::These AFT models are log-linear, meaning that the linear predictor has alog link. The exponential and the Weibull are the only log-linear modelsthat are simultaneously proportional hazards models. Other parametricdistributions can be used for survival regression either as aproportional hazards model or as an accelerated failure time model.### Dataset: Leukemia treatmentsRemission survival times on 42 leukemia patients, half on new treatment,half on standard treatment.This is the same data as the `drug6mp` data from KMsurv, but with twoother variables and without the pairing.```{r}#| eval: falselibrary(haven)library(survival)anderson =paste0("","/surv2datasets/anderson.dta") |>read_dta() |>mutate(status = status |>case_match(1~"relapse",0~"censored" ),sex = sex |>case_match(0~"female",1~"male" ),rx = rx |>case_match(0~"new",1~"standard" ),surv =Surv(time = survt,event = (status =="relapse")) ) print(anderson)``````{r}#| include: false#| label: anderson-load-locallibrary(haven)library(survival)anderson = fs::path_package("rme", "extdata/anderson.dta") |>read_dta() |>mutate(status = status |>case_match(1~"relapse",0~"censored" ),sex = sex |>case_match(0~"female",1~"male" ),rx = rx |>case_match(0~"new",1~"standard" ),surv =Surv(time = survt,event = (status =="relapse")) ) print(anderson)```#### Cox semi-parametric model```{r}anderson.cox0 =coxph(formula = surv ~ rx,data = anderson)summary(anderson.cox0)```#### Weibull parametric model```{r}anderson.weib <-survreg(formula = surv ~ rx,data = anderson,dist ="weibull")summary(anderson.weib)```#### Exponential parametric model```{r}anderson.exp <-survreg(formula = surv ~ rx,data = anderson,dist ="exp")summary(anderson.exp)```#### Diagnostic - complementary log-log survival plot```{r}library(survminer)survfit(formula = surv ~ rx,data = anderson) |>ggsurvplot(fun ="cloglog")```If the cloglog plot is linear, then a Weibull model may be ok.## Combining left-truncation and interval-censoringFrom []:> coxph does left truncation but not left (or interval) censoring> survreg does interval censoring but not left truncation (or time dependent covariates). - Terry Therneau, August 31, 2015