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This function fits a logistic regression model for a binary outcome Y with an interval-censored covariate T, using an EM algorithm, as described in Morrison et al (2021); doi:10.1111/biom.13472 .


  model_formula = stats::formula(Y ~ T),
  mu_function = compute_mu,
  bin_width = 1,
  denom_offset = 0.1,
  EM_toler_loglik = 0.1,
  EM_toler_est = 1e-04,
  EM_max_iterations = Inf,
  glm_tolerance = 1e-07,
  glm_maxit = 20,
  initial_S_estimate_location = 0.25,
  coef_change_metric = "max abs rel diff coefs",
  verbose = FALSE



a data.frame or tibble with the following variables:

  • ID: participant ID

  • E: study enrollment date

  • L: date of last negative test for seroconversion

  • R: date of first positive test for seroconversion

  • Cohort` (optional): this variable can be used to stratify the modeling of the seroconversion distribution.


a data.frame or tibble with the following variables:

  • ID: participant ID

  • O: biomarker sample collection dates

  • Y: MAA classifications (binary outcomes)


the functional form for the regression model for p(y|t) (as a formula() object)


a function taking a vector of regression coefficient estimates as input and outputting an estimate of mu (mean duration of MAA-positive infection).


the number of days between possible seroconversion dates (should be an integer)


an offset value added to the denominator of the hazard estimates to improve numerical stability


the convergence cutoff for the log-likelihood criterion ("Delta_L" in the paper)


the convergence cutoff for the parameter estimate criterion ("Delta_theta" in the paper)


the number of EM iterations to perform before giving up if still not converged.


the convergence cutoff for the glm fit in the M step


the iterations cutoff for the glm fit in the M step


determines how seroconversion date is guessed to initialize the algorithm; can be any decimal between 0 and 1; 0.5 = midpoint imputation, 0.25 = 1st quartile, 0 = last negative, etc.


a string indicating the type of parameter estimate criterion to use:

  • "max abs rel diff coefs" is the "Delta_theta" criterion described in the paper.

  • "max abs diff coefs" is the maximum absolute change in the coefficients (not divided by the old values); this criterion can be useful when some parameters are close to 0.

  • "diff mu" is the absolute change in mu, which may be helpful in the incidence estimate calibration setting but not elsewhere.


whether to print algorithm progress details to the console


a list with the following elements:

  • Theta: the estimated regression coefficients for the model of p(Y|T)

  • Mu: the estimated mean window period (a transformation of Theta)

  • Omega: a table with the estimated parameters for the model of p(S|E).

  • converged: indicator of whether the algorithm reached its cutoff criteria before reaching the specified maximum iterations. 1 = reached cutoffs, 0 = not.

  • iterations: the number of EM iterations completed before the algorithm stopped.

  • convergence_metrics: the four convergence metrics


Morrison, Laeyendecker, and Brookmeyer (2021). "Regression with interval-censored covariates: Application to cross-sectional incidence estimation". Biometrics. doi:10.1111/biom.13472 .


if (FALSE) {

# simulate data:
study_data <- simulate_interval_censoring()

# fit model:
EM_algorithm_outputs <- fit_joint_model(
  obs_level_data = study_data$obs_data,
  participant_level_data = study_data$pt_data